Look how orange that beard is. With the green hat, my head looks like a tricolor thats being hung sideways out a window on the day of an Ireland world cup fixture. Brian took this photo of me right before he walked in a hape of dogshite while we were out on the road yesterday morning. Speaking of the road...
Doesn't she look beautiful in this photo?? She is a harsh mistress at the very best of times but she must be served and obeyed. And its all worth it to see her beauty shining as immaculately as it is in this photo. This was also taken by Brian yesterday. He was in good photographic form. Today we had a day off. I woke up and did a bit of work on the computer. My voice has been a bit tired and hoarse from all the singing, Germany doesn't enforce the smoking ban in most places so the venues are back to the old-school way of being smoke filled. I like it on some level cos it gives it a much more Rock N' Roll feel but after six nights of passive smoking while trying to belt out 90 minute sets im a little bit off. Ill be back on form for tomorrow night Im pretty sure. In the afternoon today we took a walk around Langenberg filming footage of some of our favourite bits of this strange little town. Ill try edit the footage and post it sometime. In the evening we just had a nice home cooked meal and watched The Commitments on DVD. Fucking incredible movie, never gets old for me, and everytime i watch it i see more and more funny shit.
Tomorrow we drive to the lovely Bavarian town of Bamberg, Im anticipating that we are gonna blow the lid off the venue as we have been playing like monsters. Really enjoying the shows.